Democratic Women of Santa Barbara currently has the following active committees. Committee assignments are approved by the Board of Directors:

Women 4 Democracy – Chair, Jenny Landers – Manage post endorsement support. Volunteer coordination, candidate mailings, print advertising and canvasing.

Communications – Chairwomen, Amber Caldwell – Manage organization communications including newsletter, emails, website, social media and media releases.

Elections, Endorsements and Legislation – Co-chair, Kerry Parker and interim Co-chair Teri Jory – The E.E.L. Committee oversee the Democratic Women endorsement process each calendar year. Members assess which races will be considered, prepare a candidate questionnaire, conduct interviews and make recommendations to the Board.

Nominations – Co-chairwomen, Laura Capps – The Nominations Committee reviews the status and effectiveness of current Officers and Board members and make appropriate recommendations. .

Membership and Engagement – Co-chairwomen, Jill Dexter, Amber Caldwell and JoAnne Meade Young – The Membership Committee review membership goals yearly. Maintain the membership roster and protect its proprietary nature. Forward names and contact information for new and returning members who have expressed interest in committee participation to the appropriate committee chairs and assist with tabling for promotion of Democratic Women at local events hosted by our coalition partners or other non-profit organizations.

Events – Co-chairwomen, Claudette Roehrig and EJ Borah – The Events Committee plans and executes the two major public events for Democratic Women of Santa Barbara County: the Annual Fundraiser and the Annual Membership Meeting.

Programs – Co-chairwomen, Christy Stillwell and Molly Wetta – The Programs Committee will plan and conduct educational programs and shall plan endorsed candidates events as needed.

By-Laws Committee – Chair woman Daniela Aguirre – The By-Laws committee will review and recommend changes to the By-Laws and Operating Procedures when needed.

If you are interested in serving on a committee, please contact us. Thank you. 

    Democratic Club in Santa Barbara