How We Endorse

Democratic Women of Santa Barbara County has a long tradition of a rigorous, transparent, independent, and high-integrity endorsement process led by the Elections, Endorsements, and Legislation (EEL) Committee. Our endorsement process prioritizes two equally important criteria when evaluating candidates: 1) a demonstrated history that their values and beliefs align with those of Democratic Women of SB County and 2) the possession of the skills, temperament, and knowledge to be a competent and effective elected official.

The EEL committee contacts every registered Democrat that has filed papers to run for office to inquire if they are interested in pursuing an endorsement. We generally do not make endorsement recommendations until after the close of filing to make sure that we evaluate all candidates. 

Our endorsement process includes both a written questionnaire and a live interview (virtual or in person). After the completion of both, the EEL committee evaluates and discusses the candidates, and determines their endorsement recommendations. The EEL chair presents their endorsement recommendations to the DemWomen Board at the announced Endorsement Meeting. The Board then deliberates and votes on endorsements for each race being considered. In order to receive an endorsement, a candidate must receive 60% or more votes of the Board members. 

Candidates that are interested in learning more about the Democratic Women’s endorsement process should contact the EEL Chairs using the following form.

Request an endorsement