Democratic Women of Santa Barbara County
53th Annual Membership Meeting
Honoring Gwyn Lurie
Sunday December 10, 2023
2pm to 4pm
At the Santa Barbara Club
1105 Chapala Street, Santa Barbara, CA 93101
RSVP Required by December 4th, Space is Limited.
A virtual viewing option is below.
Topic: Democratic Women
Time: Dec 10, 2023 02:00 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)
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Meeting ID: 817 7870 5762
Members in good stand may attend at no cost, Non-members ticket cost $40.
Amendments to the ByLaws are posted on the website Click here.
Board Officers: *Stand for installation
President: Suzanne Cohen*
1st Vice-President: Laura Capps
2nd Vice President: Claudette Roehrig*
Secretary: Meredith Murr*
Treasurer: JoAnne Meade Young*
Communication Officer: Amber Caldwell*
Continuing Board Member for election: Marsha Marcoe
Gwyn Lurie’s dynamic career spans journalism, film, community service, and philanthropy. She started as a journalist at ABC Network News in New York, later producing the award-winning documentary “Voices From the Attic” about her family’s Holocaust history. After reporting in Nicaragua, she transitioned into film, working at 20th Century Fox and Interscope Entertainment before becoming a successful screenwriter, with credits including “Nine Lives” and “The Music Never Stopped.”
In her community, Gwyn completed two terms as an elected member of the Montecito Union School Board, where she chaired for five years and played a pivotal role in selecting the district’s new superintendent, Anthony Ranii. Additionally, she chaired the SB County Child Safety Net Task Force and served as a founding Board Member of the Program for Resilient Communities, a public-private partnership created in the aftermath of the 1/9 debris flow. Further emphasizing her dedication to social causes, Gwyn co-chaired the Santa Barbara Human Rights Watch Committee.
Beyond her public service, Gwyn is an accomplished scholar with a BA from UCLA, where she was elected Student Body President, received a Truman Scholarship, and attended graduate school at Oxford University as a Newton Tatum Scholar, achieving recognition as a California Finalist for the Rhodes Scholarship.
In 2019, Gwyn demonstrated her entrepreneurial spirit by acquiring the Montecito Journal, where she currently serves as CEO and Executive Editor, and co-founding The Giving List publications, including the forthcoming “The Giving List Women,” dedicated to promoting intersectional feminist philanthropy. Gwyn Lurie’s diverse pursuits reflect a life committed to excellence, community, and meaningful change.
Sponsor levels
$1000 Gold, $500 Silver, $250 Bronze, $100 Friendship
Sponsors make our events accessible to all members of our community.
Thank you to your sponsors!
EJ Borah
Jill and Ron Dexter
Dr. Teri Jory & Dr. Seth Geiger
Claudette and James Roehrig
Merryl And Chuck Zegar
Anna Grotenhuis
Celeste and Dvir Kafri
Sara Miller McCune
Anne Towbes
Carrie Towbes
Susan Lichtenstein and John Rokacz
Michael and JoAnne Meade Young
Deirdre Arntz
Jett Black
Rena Brawer
Supervisor Laura Capps
Congressman Salud Carbajal
Suzanne and Michael Cohen
Susan Garner
Sarah Grewer
Assemblymember Gregg Hart
Supervisor Joan Hartmann
Katherine Hunter
Kathryn LePage
Senator Monique Limon
Leslie & Cliff Gilbert-Lurie
Dr. Olivia Loewy and Barry Schoer
Josie Martin
Luz Reyes-Martin, Goleta City Councilmember
Wendy Sims-Moten, SBU Board Trustee
Meredith Murr
Kellen & Andrew Meyer
Goleta Mayor Paula Perotte
Peggy and Chris Polos
Crystal Wyatt
Jonathan Abboud, SBCC Trustee
Sondra Aggeler
Rebecca Amundsen
Amber Caldwell, MSc
Robin Cottle
Danyel Dean
Stephanie Hammer and Larry Behrendt
Victoria Ben-Yaacov, GUSD Board Member
Rabbi Stephen Cohen
Jeanette Meyers Cohen
Margaret Connell, Former Goleta Mayor
Ann Chase
Dr. Anna Everett, SBCC Trustee
Eric Friedman, SB City Councilmember
Kate Ford
Tish Gainey
Lauren Hansen, Goleta Water District
Wendy Gronsky
Sally Hearon
Lauren Katz
Stuart Kasdin, Goleta City Councilmember
James Kyriaco, Goleta City Councilmember
Gretchen Lieff
Sheila Lodge, Former SB Mayor
Deborah Longstaff Lynch
Michael Nelson
D.C. McGuire
Bill Rosen, Director Goleta Water District
Judith Ricker
Ruth Rubin
Dr. Susan Salcido, SB County Superintendent of Schools
Nancy Sheldon
Lynne Sprecher
Trudy Smith
Susan Washing
Molly Maureen Wetta
Charlotte Williams
Mary Ellen Wylie
Charene Zalis