FREE Film Screening
DemWomen is sponsoring the screening of a feature length film that explores the past, present and future of women’s political power through he lens of the history of the League of Women Voters and allied groups.
August 26th is Women’s Equality Day, celebrating the date the 19th Amendment was certified. In recognition of the day, join us for a sneak peek of a work in progress, the film “Just the Beginning: A Century of Political Power and the League of Women Voters.”
Saturday August 24th 7:30 – 9:30pm at Community Environmental Council’s HUB 1219 State Street, Suite A – Downtown Santa Barbara
About the Film: A draft of the feature length documentary film explores the past, present and future of women’s political power through the lens of the history of the League of Women Voters (LWV) and allied groups. In 1920, winning the right to vote with ratifications of the 19th amendment to the constitution was just the beginning for women as agents of political power. These are the hidden stories of what came next and what’s at stake today.