Raise your glass to celebrate!
Join Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund in person at the MOXI rooftop for an evening of fun with like-minded individuals helping raise funds for Planned Parenthood’s local political arm! All sponsorships and tickets include light dinner and cocktails.
Community Tickets available folks to attend at no cost — find application here.
Contributions made to the Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund (PPCCAF) and the Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund PAC (PPCCAF PAC) are not tax-deductible for federal or state income tax purposes. All sponsorships and ticket sales for Politics, Sex & Cocktails will be deposited in the PPCCAF PAC (FPPC ID #1278950) to support state and local electoral work. All other Politics, Sex & Cocktails event donations will be deposited into the PPCCAF (FEIN #77-0304037). Your donation may be used for political purposes such as supporting or opposing candidates. Contributions made to the Planned Parenthood Central Coast Action Fund PAC are not anonymous. Contributors of $100 or more in a calendar year will be disclosed on state reports.