Santa Barbara Rally and GOTV Event Aims to Boost Voter Engagement and Support Nationwide MovementS
In a powerful call to action, Santa Barbara community organizers are hosting a rally near DLG Plaza, gathering supporters to mobilize and energize Get Out the Vote (GOTV) efforts. This event is an open invitation to all who wish to make a difference in the lead-up to Election Day by amplifying voter outreach and adding momentum to existing efforts nationwide.
The rally begins at 2:00 PM, giving canvassers time to complete their morning outreach. Following the rally, participants are encouraged to join a dedicated phone and text banking session at 3:00 PM, designed to help keep the momentum going while enthusiasm is high.
With just days before the event, we’re calling on the community for support:
Engage with GOTV Efforts On-Site
A free speech permit allows an open space for all to join, creating an environment where anyone can bring tables, signs, and supplies to help facilitate outreach efforts. Additionally, rally organizers are preparing sign-up forms for canvassing and other outreach activities, ensuring ongoing opportunities for action. Reminder emails with GOTV suggestions will be sent to keep engagement high right up to Election Day.
GOTV Actions Post-Rally and Pre-Election
After the rally, attendees will be encouraged to support voter outreach efforts in the critical final days, from Saturday to Election Day. Specific suggestions for canvassing, voter assistance, and election day activities are welcome and will be shared with the community.
For information, volunteer opportunities, or to submit ideas for action, please reach out: Contact: Michal Lynch Phone: